Development details
Social Rent
1 and 2 bed flats
EverwarmOptimised Retrofit Programme
The Welsh Government’s Optimise Retrofit Programme, was created to support social housing providers achieve decarbonisation of their homes.
So what have we done at Cwrt Severn?
- 62kw Solar Panels system – which has seen a reduction in tenants’ electricity bills.
- 15kw storage battery solar system – reducing electricity and service charges for the communal areas.
- New windows to all flats – improvement to passive heat noise reduction and aesthetically improved the overall look to the building. Residents noticed an instant improvement there was no longer drafts and a dramatic reduction in the level of eternal noise.
- Automatic Opening Vent (AOV) windows installed in the corridors. Enhanced fire safety measure and has impacted on the overall control temperature in the corridors.
- Power assisted front and rear doors – enables easier access for everyone entering the building.
- Fire Doors – to flats and communal doors to ensure compliance with current fire regs.
- External Wall Insulation – 140mm Rockwall insulation to increase the energy performance of the building and reduce the co2 emissions.
- The balconies have been repaired and resurfaced in non-slip covering.
- Ground floor flats have had a below damp proof course insulation installed to eliminate thermal bridging.
- New handrails to ground floor flats.
- Ramp access to rear fire escapes to enable easy access for all.
The contract sum is circa £900k, which includes £750k of Welsh Government Optimised Retrofit funding.