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MHA Group Board
Thank you very much for your interest in joining our Board.
The Group Audit & Risk Committee ensures that the Group has in place effective arrangements for:
- external and internal audit to ensure efficiency and value for money of its operations and the minimisation of fraud and embezzlement
- risk and assurance management
The Audit & Risk Committee is made up of 5 members and the MHA Group Board is made up of 10 members.
We also operate a committee-style governance structure to support the main Group Board, due to the scale and complexity of considerations. Members are assigned membership in accordance with their specific expertise.
Role & Responsibilities
As you would expect, this remunerated position holds a number of responsibilities. You will be expected to participate in annual performance assessments to ensure the Board remains as strong as it can be.
At a glance, the performance standards and behaviours expected of this role are:
Performance Standards
- Prepare for meetings and fully participate.
- Keep up to date with issues affecting the sector.
- Investing in the role and taking part in learning opportunities
- Act as an ambassador for the Group, committed to culture, delivering on values and championing approach to E&D.
- Teamwork – build constructive relationships, value others’ views and possess ability to influence.
- Directing Strategy – a strong commitment to developing and delivering business strategy and managing change.
- Group Decision Making – questioning underlying assumptions, supporting group decision, assessing and managing risk.
- Leading & Motivating – confidently generate ideas, championing aspirations and needs of peers, customers and stakeholders.
- Analysing & Scrutinising – understand complex issues/evidence and achieving balanced and objective decisions.
- Possess strong communication and Interpersonal skills.
The Committee shall meet at least four times a year (in advance of MHA Board to allow for timely reporting).
All governance meetings operate a hybrid approach, with Committee meetings mainly being online, however, you will be expected to attend in-person meetings occasionally (strategic planning sessions, for example).
Remuneration Package
Independent Audit Committee Member salary starts from £2,650 p.a. (dependent on the level of responsibility (Committee Chair role is higher, for example).
Here are some other benefits you can enjoy:
- Travel-related and accommodation expenses covered (for meetings, conference attendance etc.)
- Provision of ICT equipment and training
- Food & Drink allowance when attending official external events on behalf of the Group
- Childcare Fees or Carers Allowance
- Communications expenses (telephone calls made on behalf of the Group)
- Core training package
- EDI, Anti-Racism and Unconscious Bias
- Board Effectiveness
- Tailored Induction Programme to your requirements, including Systems training for agenda management and risk/perfoemance monitoring
- Compliance training, including GDPR, Data Protection, Cyber Security
- If required, Introduction to Housing Associations or New to Board training)
- Ad Hoc training as required
[For all non-reimbursement expenses and other benefits please refer to MHA Group’s Remuneration & Expenses Policy]
Other Benefits:
- Buddy system – learn from other board members
- Governance Team support (Administraive and I.T)
- Access to networks, webinars and events
- Represent MHA at conferences and events
- Opportunity to give back to a socially conscious organisation
- Access to publications and resources to help maintain skill and industry knowledge