"MHA have always given me the opportunity to learn new skills and grow my knowledge."

I started in the then new Homesearch team as their admin support and immediately felt welcomed and part of the team. This is where I gained valuable experience and a lot of knowledge about housing.
After 5 months, I was offered a move to the building services and asset management teams, I spent 4 months working between these teams learning more and more, and after just 4 months I knew I wanted to become a permanent staff member at MHA.
In August 2011 I applied, and against some stiff completion I was successful and gained a full time, permanent position with the asset management team as an administrative officer. I’ve not looked back and I’m still part of the asset management team. In August 2019 I became the major works project co-ordinator, the public face of our Planned Maintenance Programme. After many years in the office, recording images and data of the amazing work we all provide, it feels great to now be hands-on with the work we are doing and meeting our tenants face to face.
From day one, MHA have always given me the opportunity to learn new skills and grow my knowledge of the organisation. My managers have given me the confidence to share ideas and implement things to help not only the day to day running procedures but also assist with the longevity operations for the future.